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蘇斯博士 The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That! 15DVD
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分  類: 劇 集 >> 紀錄片 教育片 健身操等
語  言: 英語
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地  區: 歐美
介  質: DVD9
集  數: 全集
碟  數: 未知
會員價: NT$ 800
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劇情介紹(蘇斯博士 The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That! 15DVD)



PBS KIDS學齡前自然科學劇集,2010年9月6日在美國PBS KIDS 頻道播出。此系列鼓勵孩子們去探索科學和自然的世界,同時教導孩子們關於詞匯和生活中必須的技巧等常識。

The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That!TM is designed to spark a love of learning and an interest in science in preschool-agedchildren.
Based on Random House’s best-selling Beginner Book collection “The Cat in the Hat’s Learning Library?,” the TV series and online resources are designed to cultivate positive views about science and scientists among the next generation—the children who will become tomorrow’s citizens and innovators—and help families and teachers build communities of science explorers.


01  Show Me the Honey
     Migration Vacation
02  I Love the Nightlife
     Oh, Give Me a Home
03  Many Ants Make Light Work
     Nest Best Thing
04  A Plan for Sand
     Whale Music
05  Flower Power
     Snow man's Land
06. Dress Up Day
07. Trees Company
    Now You See Me
08. Rain Game
    No S-S-Sweater is Better
09. A Tale About Tails
    Sticky Situation
10. Night Lights
    Go, Snails, Go!

11. Flight of the Penguin
    Let's Go Fly a Kite
12. You Should Be Dancing
    Batty for Bats
13. Maps
    Termite Towers
14. The Lost Egg
    Hold On Tight

15. Jump!
    Slow Down for Sloths
16. Chasing Rainbows
    Follow the Prints
17. Reindeer Games
    Along Came a Spider
18. A Long Winter's Nap
    The Tree Doctor
19. Pick Your Friends
    Finola's Farm
20. Incredible Journey
21 A teeny tiny adventure
   I see seeds
22 Thup
   Squirreled away
Surprise, Surprise!
A Howling Good Time
Secret Super Digger
Pucker Up and Blow
Sniff and Seek
Aye Aye!
Trick or Treat
King Cecil the Seahorse
Blue Feet Are Neat!
Reef Magic
Digging the Deep
Puddle Puzzle
Help With Kelp
Treetop Tom
Minnie Meerkat

1 "Show Me the Honey"
Sally and Nick have run out of honey! Luckily the Cat knows just where to go to get more. They visit Queen Priscilla Buzzoo who invites them to join in the bee dance to learn how to make honey.
Educational Objective: Bees collect nectar to make honey and have a special dance to tell each other locations of the best flowers from which to collect nectar.

"Migration Vacation"
The purple martin swallow that lives in Sally's backyard has gone missing! The Cat, with the help of a variety of forest creatures, help Nick and Sally track down the bird, and learn how and why birds migrate.
Educational Objective: When the cold winter makes it hard to find food, some birds fly far away - or migrate - to warmer places where there's more food. See Related Classroom Resources

2  "I Love the Nightlife"
Nick wants to stay awake all night. Good thing the Cat needs help finding his favorite hat that he lost in the forest of Wagamaroo! The Cat takes Nick and Sally on a nocturnal adventure, along the way meeting a variety of animals that stay up all night!
Educational Objective: Nocturnal animals - like the owl, the bat and the opossum - sleep during the day and hunt for food at night using specialized skills. See Related Classroom Resources

"Oh Give Me a Home!"
Nick has a super-duper special shell and Sally wants one, too! The Cat in the Hat takes them on an adventure to the beach where they meet Tucker, a hermit crab, who is also looking for a new shell because he’s grown too big for his. A seaside fashion show gives both Tucker and Sally super duper special shells!
Educational Objective: When Hermit Crabs outgrow their shells, they have to find a new one that’s strong and the right size.

3  "Many Ants Make Light Work"
Nick and Sally are trying to put up a tent in their backyard but it's not working! Nick is pulling when Sally is pushing and it's just making a giant heap! Good thing the Cat knows a million-trillion friends who are experts at teamwork! He whisks the kids off to visit an ant colony where Nick and Sally learn that team-work makes almost anything possible.
Educational Objective: An ant colony is made up of many individuals who all work together to get a job done.

"Nest Best Thing"
Nick and Sally have found some bird eggs in their backyard, but their nest is destroyed. Where are they going to keep them? The Cat in the Hat brings them to an expert nest builder, Mrs. Robin, who shows the children how to build a nest especially for the homeless eggs.
Educational Objective: The American Robin builds its nest using twigs, grass, and mud.

4  "A Plan for Sand"
Nick and Sally are playing in their sandbox, but there's not enough room for them to build their castles. The Cat arrives to take them to the biggest sandbox they'll ever see! In the desert, they meet Carmela the Camel who teaches them about how camels are adapted to live in the dry, sandy climate.
Educational Objective: Camels' bodies are perfectly adapted to life in a dry, sandy desert. Their eyelashes keep sand out of their eyes, their wide feet help them walk on top of the sand, and their humps store fat when food is hard to find.

"Whale Music"
Nick and Sally have made a song to sing to their moms, but they can't get the ending quite right. The Cat in the Hat takes them to meet the best singing teacher in the world, Humphrey the Humpback Whale! While bobbing in the ocean, Humphrey teaches the kids that whales communicate by singing, and that it's not how you sing that matters, but what you’re saying in the song. The kids return home to delight their mothers with their song!
Educational Objective: Whales communicate with one another by "singing." Also, they use their blow-holes to breathe, and can jump out of the water in a maneuver called "breaching."

5  "Flower Power"
Sally's mom has a cold, so Sally wants to pick her some colorful flowers to make her feel better. The Cat in the Hat takes Nick and Sally to the forest of Flora-Fah-Zoom where they meet three different creatures that all depend on flowers to live. Sally decides to make her mother a picture of the flowers they have encountered in Flora-Fah-Zoom instead of picking a flower that animals need in order to survive.
Educational Objective: Flowers aren't just pretty. Some creatures need them for food, water, or a place to live. See Related Classroom Resources

"Snow man's Land "

蘇斯博士 The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That! 15DVD
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