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手工藝啟蒙老師 Mister Maker 1-2季 40集12DVD
演  員: Mister Maker
分  類: 劇 集 >> 紀錄片
語  言: 英語
字  幕: 中文
地  區: 歐美
介  質: DVD9
集  數: 40
碟  數: 12
會員價: NT$ 1050
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劇情介紹(手工藝啟蒙老師 Mister Maker 1-2季 40集12DVD)

第1季 7DVD  20集 第2季 5DVD  20集


手工藝啟蒙老師Mister Maker,其中由出名主意多多的Mister Maker 擔任主持的節目《Mister Maker》,更是集動作、動畫、靈感、創意和突破於一身,而且更榮獲英國影視界權威The British Academy of Film and Television Arts 的提名,Mister Maker 亦被稱為4至8歲兒童的手工藝啟蒙老師。


如果你的孩子總是閑不住而又最愛手工,一看到Mister Maker連剪刀膠水都未準備好就躍躍欲試,那麼這套節目就像為他量身定做的。 奇妙的經典手工制作加以許多全新的創意,你家的小小手工迷一定會欲罷不能。


Mister Maker makes a fantastic junk picture, shows how to paint with cardboard and creates realistic beans on toast that look good enough to eat. Guess the answer to the shape puzzle and watch the Mister Maker Kids make a gigantic rocket picture.

Mister Maker makes a stone footprint, paints a fun firework picture, and squeezes a ship into a jar, sailing on a sea of blue rice. Guess the answer to the shape puzzle, and watch the Mister Maker kids make a gigantic snail. 

Mister Maker makes a mini tree out of twigs, shows how to make alien eyes and makes an ancient treasure map with a teabag. Guess the answer to the shape puzzle, and watch the Mister Maker Kids create a huge desert island. 
Mister Maker makes pattern pictures using a hole punch, shows how to make a pencil pen pal and a futuristic pasta robot. Guess the answer to the shape puzzle, and watch the Mister Maker Kids make a huge desert island.
Mister Maker creates a picture out of shells, makes a pop up card in under a minute, and shows how to make a seriously spooky bouncy bat. Guess the answer to the shape puzzle, and watch the Mister Maker Kids build a huge
tin of paint.
Mister Maker makes an elephant peg holder in under a minute, draws into paint with a fork and shows how to surprise friends with a bug in a box. Guess the answer to the shape puzzle and watch the Mister Maker Kids make an
enormous crab.
Mister Maker uses all of his huff and his puff to make blow pictures, and shows how to make a crown fit for a king or a queen. Find out how to make a wonderful wool doodle, guess the answer to the shape puzzle, and watch the
Mister Maker Kids build a fabulous fish picture.
Mister Maker shows how to make ancient-looking buried treasure, splat monster pen pals and a super-squashy foam boat that really can float. Guess the answer to the shape puzzle and watch the Mister Maker Kids make a brilliant
butterfly picture.
Mister Maker shows how to paint a wonderful woolly picture, create crazy creatures with cotton buds, and makes a musical instrument with straws. Guess the answer to the shape puzzle and watch the Mister Maker Kids build an
extraordinary duck picture.
Mister Maker shows how to make a crazy cobweb picture, use rubbish to make brilliant art and create terrific animals out of tissue paper. Guess the answer to the shape puzzle and watch the Mister Maker Kids make an enormous boat.
Mister Maker shows how to paint great pictures by printing with hands, makes a chalk dust picture that's out of this world, and builds a sandcastle that will last forever. Guess the answer to the shape puzzle and watch the Mister Maker Kids build a brilliant bat picture.
Mister Maker uses splodges to make gloopy glue patterns, makes a marvellous mouse finger puppet in a minute, and shows how to grow a hilarious head with a grass hairdo. Guess the answer to the shape puzzle and watch the Mister Maker Kids make an enormous birthday cake.
Mister Maker demonstrates the perfect boredom buster for a rainy day - splat painting. Make a perfect pet pooch out of a pebble, and find out how to make a handy house to keep bits and pieces in. Guess the answer to the shape
puzzle and watch the Mister Maker Kids build an amazing ice cream.
Mister Maker makes perfect patterns with a paper snowflake, shows how to make terrific art with the help of a cuddly toy and transforms an egg box into incredible insects. Guess the answer to today's shape puzzle and watch the Mister Maker Kids build a brilliant picture.
Mister Maker creates a 'springing' picture, builds a magnetic bug with its own race track, and shows how to make a handy totem pole to keep bits and pieces in. Guess the answer to the shape puzzle and discover how kitchen roll can be turned into underwater art.
Mister Maker transforms a scouring pad into an insect, makes a torn paper road and shows how to make a space-age city that's out of this world. Guess the answer to the shape puzzle and watch the Mister Maker Kids build an
extraordinary umbrella.
Mister Maker turns splats, dribbles and dollops into monsters, makes an wallpaper owl, and transforms paper plates into a fantastic puppet. Guess the answer to the shape puzzle, and watch the Mister Maker Kids make something new.
Mister Maker makes brilliant bugs in under a minute, transforms lentils into an amazing dinosaur and shows how to have a monster game of skittles. Guess the answer to the shape puzzle and watch the Mister Maker Kids build an extraordinary train.
Mister Maker makes a clever cactus that never needs watering, shows how to make perfect prints with bubble wrap, and recycles old tin foil into an out-of-this-world alien. Guess the answer to the shape puzzle and watch the Mister Maker Kids create a hilarious picture.
Mister Maker makes an incredible 'invisible' picture, creates crazy cake-case creatures, and shows how to make a
magnetic worm-catching game to play with friends. Guess the answer to the shape puzzle and watch the Mister Maker
Kids build a brilliant picture.

手工藝啟蒙老師 Mister Maker 1-2季 40集12DVD
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